Tippecanoe School Corporation

7th Grade Volleyball


7th Grade Volleyball Tryouts-Please Share!

August 6th - 7:00-8:30 PM

August 7th - 7:00-8:30 PM

August 8th - 7:00-8:30 PM

Practices will start the first day of school and run until 6:00 p.m. 

-If you have signed up on Final Forms you may receive  e-mails from Final Forms regarding any changes to the schedule or required paperwork prior to our first tryout day.

-Please wear athletic clothing and shoes. If you have knee pads please bring them. I do not encourage you to buy any volleyball shoes/knee pads until you know you have made the team, as they can be costly.

-You need to have your athletic physical and Final Forms completed before you can participate. Please see the school website and click on the athletics tab for more information.

-Please bring a water bottle. Our gym is not air conditioned!

Feel free to share this information with any of your KMS friends/peers that are interested in playing volleyball this fall.

See you on the 6th!

Volleyball Fees for the season are $75.

Volleyball Schedule Fall 2024

First page of the PDF file: KMSVolleyballSchedule2024-25