Tippecanoe School Corporation

7th Grade Girls Basketball


Klondike Middle Logo


Kennedy Houser

Kiersten Guyer

Basketball News


December 18   4:15 - 6:00 (P.M.)
December 19   4:15 - 6:00 (P.M.)

Fees for the 2024-25 season will be $75.  Fees can no longer be paid on Final Forms.  Families have to either send a check or cash to Mr. Brown at the school.  Checks are made out to Klondike Middle School.

Basketball uniforms are provided by the school.

Warmup Shirts and Shoes
Families are responsible for the purchase of shoes and the team warmup shirt with the player's name on the back.  An online store will be available to purchase the warmup shirt once tryouts are completed.  Players keep the warmup shirt.