National Honor Society Information
Sponsor JoAnn Ward
In the spring of the seventh grade, students who have a minimum grade point average of 3.75 are notified to attend an information meeting of the Klondike Chapter of NJHS. They then apply and are chosen by a faculty council with teacher input. Students will be notified thru the mail by May 1st.
Requirements for honor society are:
·GPA of 3.75 for 6th and 7th grade combined
·have participated in at least four school or community activities during 6th or 7th grade
·turn in application by due date
·Does not have one of the following in their discipline file
1.) More than 3 discipline write-ups during 6th and 7th grade combined
2.) A severe offense such as cheating on a project/paper or test, violence,
smoking or drugs, or extreme disrespect to a teacher, student, or school property
3.) An offense that resulted in suspension from school
4.) More than 1 discipline write up for the same offense
An evening induction ceremony will be held for new members and their families and friends in May . The current officers and members will help with the induction ceremonies.
The NJHS members serve during 8th grade and help with school and community activities throughout the year such as Veteran’s day program, book fair, Candygram sales, gold rush club, open house and parent conferences. Current members are expected to be role models for all students and stay on the honor roll and show good citizenship during the school year