Language Arts
KMS Summer Reading List: Click HERE
Klondike Middle School courses in language arts are framed by the Indiana State Standards.
Major topics in sixth grade include determining theme as well as synthesizing and connecting ideas by tracing, integrating, and comparing and contrasting.
Major topics in seventh grade include analyzing the development of a theme as well as synthesizing and connecting ideas by tracing, integrating, and comparing and contrasting.
Major topics in eighth grade include analyzing the development of the theme and how it relates to the characters as well as synthesizing and connecting ideas by delineating, evaluating, and analyzing.
In addition, each course features a general emphasis on improvement in reading comprehension, vocabulary, general writing skills, knowledge of conventions in grammar, awareness of Greek and Latin roots, and grasp of literary devices and terminology.
Students with high ability in language arts are invited to participate in Accelerated English classes at each grade level. Students in these classes will work at a faster pace than the regular classes, focus on higher-level vocabulary, study advanced reading materials, and a work to a higher level of expectation in the quality and quantity of writing in the course.
Students who struggle with grade-level work have opportunities to learn in co-taught classes or to enroll in an additional language course set in a lab setting for independent practice.